Friday, September 9, 2011

Nvidia: We?re No Longer In The Processor Business Because Intel ?Preferred That We Weren?t?

jen-hsun-huang-nvidia-ion-prixIf the meek capitulation in the headline sounds uncharacteristic of Nvidia's infamously outspoken CEO, Jen-Hsun Huang, it's probably because he's bitter. Though the GPU-focused company announced way back in 2008 that it was going to "open a can of whoop-ass" on Intel, very little has happened, at least on the consumer side. Intel and Nvidia have had some major differences, and remain fierce competitors, but it's been made clear that Intel won't tolerate anyone making a grab at its x86 treasure hoard. But Nvidia isn't going quietly. Or rather, they're going quietly just so they can sneak around the back. While Intel is cracking its whip at anyone who wants a piece of x86, Nvidia and ARM, among others, are performing a flanking maneuver in the mobile sector.

ITVACN Super Talent Team Group Inc. Toshiba

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