Sunday, May 8, 2011

PlanningForce Express Planner : Software Review

Plan your tech project successfully! (For free?)

Express Planner is free project planning software ideal for freelancers and small companies.

This software focuses on resource scheduling; you will drastically improve the use of your people. The scheduling process is automatic, the app does the job; no more tedious and time consuming calculations.

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What you can do and get with Express Planner.

You define your projects (unlimited), your tasks and define your constraints (date constraints, resources).

You define your people and also their availabilities (contract dates, holidays?).

You chose how you want to schedule, manually or automatically.

The application comes with two scheduling modes: automatic and manual mode:

� Automatic scheduling: no over-use of resources, the application automatically solves these problems;

� Manual scheduling: you manually adapt your plan in a fancy interface.

You get up to 6 reports that can be printed and exported under several formats (html, Excel, PowerPoint?)

A community is made available to users; you can ask questions, watch video tutorials and also download dozens of ready-to-use project planning templates.

Features overview of PlanningForce Express Planner

� Create unlimited Projects;

� Define date constraints and goals;

� Define unlimited people;

� Define individual and global calendars;

� End-dates and start-dates of projects and tasks are automatically calculated;

� Two scheduling modes;

� Generate up to 6 reports to share your plan results;

Click here to download Express Planner.

Dynapower USA ECS Enermax Foxconn

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