Friday, April 15, 2011

Social Network Profiles or Emails - Which is more active?

From the past few months I?m looking for tools and techniques to market my social-network site, over the internet.  But one thing I found confusing and I?m still struggling to know what exactly it is.

Social Network Profile or Email? 

My plan is to viral the brand of my social-network project thru Viral Marketing technique and I?m sure that I?ll achieve my target by the end of 2010. While sparking a viral message to small number of people I tried two categories of them. I targeted 700 emails and few hundred orkut  profiles. As the latest news goes on more people are getting into social-network era by the time. Social Network Profile or Email? Where people are more active and which one is more frequently accessed. After spreading a viral message to both of categories I found emails to be fruitful. Emails founds to be more responsive than social network profile.

What does it mean?

Are people on social networking site are just for connecting to their friends? May be they are not there to know the latest buzzing news, They are there just for a catch-up with friends.

But the 2009 top investment report says something else.

2009 Market Survey

Social Media marketing is one of the the top-second area on investment. This post at dosh dosh has included all the benefits of Social-Media-Marketing. One of them is Huge Massive Traffic.

What i found till? If you?re targeting informal market i.e ?youngsters? than nothing other than Social Media Marketing will be helpful for you as the young age people like college  and school guys used to be more active on their Social Network Profile rather than emails.

But emails proved to be best for formal marketing section as working people drives emails in their daily professional routine. Although my viral campaign is targeting informal market but I get a good response from emails as compared to social network profiles. That may be because of irrelevant topic sharing with audiences. You should know the technique to share a informal topic with formal audiences thats what called ?Marketing?.

Well I?m not a master in Marketing. I?m just sharing what i experienced with it with you all. Thats it!

Don?t forget to signup for my Social Network,! Add me there at

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Thermaltake Trenton Technology TUNIQ TomMade

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